Qualified Domestic Trusts: Your Jumpstart to Protecting Your Noncitizen Spouse

Married couples love each other and want the best for each other. Establishing a comprehensive estate plan is one way to provide the best for each other. Not only does an estate plan protect you when you are unable to care for yourself during your lifetime, but it also protects your Continue reading

Land Trusts, Corporate Transparency, and Real Estate in Estate Planning: Navigating the Complexities

Estate planning is an intricate process, especially when it involves real estate. Land trusts, the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), and various real estate issues play significant roles in this domain. This article delves into these aspects, providing clarity for estate planners Continue reading

5 Reasons You and Your Business Partner/ Best Friend Forever (BFF) Need an Operating Agreement

You and your BFF have an understanding. You think alike and you’ve decided to go into business together. Everything is informal because you and your BFF do not stand on ceremony.  There’s no operating agreement, no bylaws, or buy/sell agreement. You’re just two guys who like to work Continue reading

Your 2018 Taxes – Get Started Now

While the end of the year is not quite here yet (but rapidly approaching), now is an opportune time to take a moment and start your year-end tax planning for 2018. This is particularly necessary this tax year because of the changes to the tax law that became effective in 2018. As Continue reading